Ft. Thompson to Grand Island, NE

Project ManagerRob Danielson

This is the Ft Thompson to Grand Island 345kv T-Line job we completed for Western Area Power Administration.

This project was a critical need project caused by the spring flooding on the Elk Horn River in Eastern, NE in the spring of 2019.

This job entailed bringing in 19 truckloads of swamp mats and building a road approximately half of a mile into the jobsite and to provide a safe and usable staging and working area.

Complete Concrete drilled an 11’ diameter hole and 54’ deep in sandy soil near the river. Because of the sandy soil, the hole was flooded with drilling fluids.  A rebar cage that weighed approx. 22,000 lbs. was set and serves as reinforcement for the foundation. The hole was then pumped and filled with concrete to provide the foundation for a new powerline structure.    Complete Concrete also set the steel tower on this project reaching 170’ in the air.


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